The Challenge with Realizing the Global Energy Transition

EEI International

How EEI International Programs Works Toward Solutions: “Inspired by the life and legacy of Benjamin Franklin, EEI International Programs launched the Electricity Diplomacy Initiative, which seeks to foster dialogue among electricity industry leaders, diplomats, and policymakers around the world.”

Educating on the Electric Grid of Tomorrow

Putting Podcasts to Work

“We have an immediate opportunity and a responsibility to prepare our next generation workforce for a future that will require them to maintain and prepare the grid for major changes including new loads and new technologies. We also must educate our customers and regulatory agencies.”

Tapping Energy Storage That's Everywhere

Armada Power

“The system inertia that’s inherent in large spinning power plants also provides storage. We saw a niche to apply our technology as a fast-acting storage capability, to offset the retirement of those large spinning sources of inertia.”

How to Think about Transmission Planning


“Enabling the adoption of HVDC technology for offshore transmission is critical for achieving a cost-effective and less environmentally impactful offshore grid. Most important is the increased coordination that’s needed to deliver on all the recommendations.”

The Latest on Gas System Resiliency

American Gas Association

“We don’t necessarily have the regulatory mechanisms in place that allow the regulators to be able to evaluate assets that are designed for those low-frequency but high-impact events.”