New York PSC: Tammy Mitchell


“For some of these water rate cases, the Staff has had to go to people’s residences and go through shoe boxes full of receipts in order to build a rate case for them, so that the companies can set the rates to appropriately cover their costs.”

New York PSC: David Valesky


“We will continue to face real challenges regarding reliability. Just and reasonable rates is another way of saying affordability. There is a lot of pressure around affordability issues, not exclusive to our Climate Law.”

New York PSC: John Howard


“If we need to build 140,000 MW of new generation, in excess of 15 MW of storage, and related transmission, this is a ginormous cost. The legislature that passed the law has the goal, but no one communicated the price tag. I think every Commission around the country is now bumping up against the price tag.”

New York PSC: John Maggiore


“The PSC makes decisions independent of electoral politics. The history of the Commission is the PSC is a spinoff of the legislature. Go back to 1907, and the functions were exclusively legislative. They were not executive.”

New York PSC: Tracey Edwards


“My hope is everyone will have the same vision. I believe there’s resistance to a clean-energy future. I’m not sure we’re at the hearts and minds yet. If you are a utility and you are getting things done, it’s hard to let go of traditional ways.”

New York PSC: James Alesi


“The one thing that’s going to drive this Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act is acceptance by the public. I’m optimistic because the general public is now aware of what we’re trying to do.”

New York PSC: Rory Christian


“We’re looking at rate design measures, with the goal of establishing rates for electric use that encourage electrification and do not overburden customers as they transition fuels.”