Dividend Double-Take

What happens when the Bush tax cuts expire?

Congress again is embroiled in another hyper-partisan food fight that threatens to blow up into a fiscal crisis. And once again dividend-paying companies like utilities are caught in the crossfire.

Learning from Retailers

Success in retail energy markets requires providing customers with the best choices and the best service. Utilities can learn valuable lessons from the experiences of competitive electricity retailers.
Success in retail energy markets requires providing customers with the best choices and the best service. Utilities can learn valuable lessons from the experiences of competitive electricity retailers.

LDC Gas Forums Rockies & West

The LDC Gas Forums Rockies & West brings together gas buyers and sellers through throughout the Shale Plays – including Utica, Marcellus, Bakken, etc. to network and keep up with industry trends. Networking activities include a golf tournament, a spa day, and a tour of Hollywood. In-depth discussions on hot topics include:

Vendor Neutral

Panda Energy awards turnkey $300 million turnkey contract to Siemens and Bechtel; Dominion starts up 585-MW CFB plant; Ocean Power Technologies and Lockheed Martin partner on wave power project; Infigen awards wind turbine service contract to Mitsubishi; ITC commissions 345-kV line in Oklahoma; ABB tests world’s biggest DC transformer; Xcel gets green light for Tres Amigas-area transmission upgrades; plus contracts and announcements from Elster, Sensus, Enertech, and others.

Pre-Funding to Mitigate Rate Shock

Re-starting the Big Build calls for revisiting cost-recovery mechanisms.

As the industry resumes major capital-spending programs, utilities and their stakeholders are rightly concerned about the effects on prices. Traditional regulatory approaches expose utilities to risks and costs, and can bring rate shock when capital spending finally makes its way into customers’ bills. Pre-funding investments can provide a smoother on-ramp to bearing the costs of a 21st-Century utility system — but it also raises questions for utilities to address.

Rate Design by Objective

A purposeful approach to setting energy prices.

Changes in regulatory requirements, market structures, and operational technologies have introduced complexities that traditional ratemaking approaches can’t address. Poorly designed rates lead to cross-subsidies, inequitable outcomes, and perverse incentives. An objective-based approach can better communicate costs to customers in a way that better serves operations and policy goals.

The Race to Consolidate

Positioning to win in the contest for scale.

The industry’s slow-and-steady pace of mergers seems to be picking up speed, as larger and well-positioned players overtake smaller and weaker targets. Realizing the greatest value from consolidation requires companies to assess their strengths and weaknesses and focus on performance improvement—both before and after a deal gets done.

The Fortnightly 40 Best Energy Companies

A challenging year brings a change in the rankings.

(September 2012) Our annual financial ranking shows some remarkable shifts among the industry’s shareholder value leaders. Despite flat demand and low commodity prices, investor-owned utilities are investing heavily in capital assets. Investment discipline and operational excellence distinguish leaders on the path to financial performance.