Ancillary Services and RES Grid Integration Forum

The IFMR Ancillary Services & RES Grid Integration Forum Conference will delve into the core of ancillary services, allowing interactive dialogue amongst all ancillary services market participants. Being the only event of its kind, this conference will look specifically at the technology advancements and market design for ancillary services, benefiting stakeholders within the industry.

Attending this conference will enable you to:

5th Annual Managing Regulatory Compliance for Electric Utilities

The electric utility industry remains mired in legislative and regulatory uncertainty. The marcus evans 5thAnnual Regulatory Compliance for Electric Utilities Conference will address major issues such as CIP standards and transition between Versions, 3, 4 and 5, culture of compliance, audit preparation, transparency between regional entities, and federal legislative and regulatory concerns.

Featuring case studies from leading regulatory compliance experts including:

Distribution Technology and Innovation Summit

The Distribution Technology and Innovation Summit offers a unique format for the distribution & technology executives across North America to attend strategic summit sessions led by thought leaders from across the industry and meet and interact with leading solution providers through a number of one-on-one business meetings and many organized networking activities.

PacifiCorp to partner with CAISO

PacifiCorp and the California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) entered a memorandum of understanding that commits the two largest grid operators in the western United States to work toward creating a real-time energy imbalance market (EIM) by October 2014. If implemented, PacifiCorp – which controls two balancing authorities primarily covering portions of six states, including part of Northern California – would participate in a co-optimized real-time energy market facilitated by the ISO. The joint agreement applies only to the EIM service.

Progress Energy Florida to retire Crystal River nuclear plant

Progress Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, will retire the Crystal River nuclear plant in Citrus County, Fla. The company is reviewing alternatives to replace the power produced by the unit, including the potential construction of a new natural gas-fueled plant. The nuclear unit, which began operating in 1977, was shut down in the fall of 2009 for refueling and replacement of its steam generators when a delamination was discovered in the outer layer of the containment building’s concrete wall.

ABB wins $260 million order to upgrade BPA power station

ABB won an order worth around $260 million from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to upgrade the existing Celilo HVDC (high-voltage direct current) converter station in Oregon. This station is part of the electricity link between the Pacific Northwest and Southern California commissioned in 1970. The Celilo converter station is located at the north end of the Pacific DC Intertie, also known as Path 65, which has a capacity of 3,100 MW, and originates near the Columbia River. The order was booked in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Echelon selected for Swedish smart grid

Echelon was selected to provide smart grid systems for the Smart Grid Gotland project, a large-scale, technology demonstration on the island of Gotland, Sweden. The project is sponsored by a joint venture between Vattenfall, Gotland Energy, ABB, Swedish National Grid, Schneider Electric, and the Royal Institute of Technology, and and is partly financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. Echelon will provide its edge control node, its control operating system (COS) -based application platform, and 3,000 advanced grid sensors, which also provide smart metering functionality.