Echelon, Kapsch Secure New Austrian Smart Meter Pilots

Echelon and its partner Kapsch Smart Energy won several key pilots with leading Austrian utilities Wien Energie, IKB and Steiermark. The pilots are being prompted by a new energy edict in Austria that requires utilities to achieve specific grid modernization goals by 2019. The Echelon NES platform is operating as a fully integrated solution with the Kapsch smart energy management meter data management software.

Edison Electric Institute International Utility Conference

The EEI International Utility Conference is the premier venue for utility executives and the financial community to discuss how business strategies and market and regulatory issues will impact financial performance and shareholder value.  The conference covers the critical issues facing the global utility industry and provides an opportunity for investors and analysts to attend formal and informal company financial presentations.

Predictive Analytic Solutions: Beyond the Hype

Don’t confuse hype with your organization’s capability to implement innovative solutions and realize a positive rate of return on your investment.

SPONSORED WHITE PAPER: The ability to achieve higher grid performance and greater customer engagement while at the same time protecting the immense amount of data generated from today’s monitoring, control, and transactional energy operations requires new ways of doing business and revamped analytical solutions. Plenty of people will tell you what those solutions are. But don’t confuse the hype—and there is a lot of it—with your organization’s capability to implement innovative solutions and realize a positive rate of return on your investment (ROI). If you do, you will end up floundering or, at best, making piecemeal progress.

Clean Power Economics

Can refurbishing existing environmental controls increase the profitability of fossil generating facilities and tip the cost-benefit analysis at marginal, coal-fired plants?
Can refurbishing existing environmental controls increase the profitability of fossil generating facilities and tip the cost-benefit analysis at marginal, coal-fired plants?

Taming Distributed Energy

How advanced distribution management systems are key to integrating distributed resources.

Fast growing distributed resources create technical challenges for utilities. Advanced DMS technology promises to help keep local grids balanced.

A Trip to RIIO in Your Future?

Great Britain’s latest innovation in grid regulation.

Great Britain’s electric regulator takes performance-based regulation to a new, more complex level, weighing policy choices against attendant costs.

What Price, Resiliency?

Evaluating the cost effectiveness of grid-hardening investments.

As with any investment, resiliency upgrades can reach a point of diminishing returns. Analyzing the costs and benefits can help guide upgrade strategies.

Modeling Storm Outages

New tools for enhancing utility preparedness and response.

Sandy and other major storms have raised the bar for outage management. New modeling systems help utilities predict effects and plan their response.

Five Years Later

Wall Street is back in business. What’s next for utility finance?

When Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in September 2008, it marked the beginning of a financial crisis. By most accounts, the utility industry has been a picture of stability through tumultuous times. The view from Wall Street remains bullish – despite some reasons for concern.