Electric Prices Lagged Inflation for Residential, Commercial, Industrial

Residential electric prices increased eight-tenths as fast as inflation, commercial seven-tenths as fast, industrial nine-tenths as fast

All this week, we’ve been filling you in, on what the August 2016 electric price data published last week (the Consumer Price Index and Producer Price Index) means for utility policy and regulation.

There was too much to fit in a single column.

Texas Solar Two Step

Different Outcomes in State’s Two Distinct Markets

Texas highlights the importance of market structures and economics in the growth of solar deployment. Driven by customer interest and policy objectives, distributed and utility-scale solar has thrived in municipal and cooperative service territories. The same has not been true in the competitive wholesale market with retail choice.

Getting Ready for Competition in Japan

Lessons from Abroad

A comprehensive analysis of Japanese investments in the U.S., Mexico, the U.K., and Australia. From a team expert in the fast-changing electric industry in Japan.

Frequency Control and ACE

Someone Else’s Problem Field

Thirty to forty percent renewable targets are inadequate to halt our steady descent into climate change and ocean acidification. It will require renewable levels of 80 to 90 percent, and international cooperation.

Rethinking Rationale for Net Metering

Quantifying Subsidy from Non-Solar to Solar Customers

A thought-provoking call for fact- and principle-based policy on the controversial net metering matter. From three respected co-authors from diverse backgrounds.

Energy People: Werner Buehler

We talked with Werner Buehler, General Manager of Oregon Trail Electric Consumers Cooperative

Werner Buehler is the general manager of Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative based in Baker City, Oregon. Oregon Trail serves 23,000 members in four rural counties in eastern Oregon.

Energy People: Adam Sieminski

We talked with Adam Sieminski, Administrator at the Energy Information Administration

Adam Sieminski became the eighth administrator of the EIA in 2012. While awaiting confirmation as EIA administrator, Sieminski served as senior director for energy and environment on the staff of the National Security Council.

Energy People: Bill Hederman

We talked with Bill Hederman, who has just left government service as senior advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Energy.

Through early July, Bill Hederman was senior advisor to Dr. Ernie Moniz, U.S. Secretary of Energy, and counselor to the director of energy policy and systems analysis. Bill began his career as a systems integration engineer at Bell Labs in the directorate that later developed the cell phone system.

Response to Borlick Re: Order 745

A response to the article by Robert Borlick in our July 2016 Issue

Bob Borlick took to task FERC, Charlie Cicchetti and the Supreme Court in the context of FERC Order 745. Bob’s key point is his view that “Order 745 overcompensates demand response.” Bob’s argument starts from an implicit but false premise.