Helping Legislators Understand and Manage Utility Risks


Performance, Political, Customer Expectation, and Fiscal Risk

Fortnightly Magazine - March 2017
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Each of us face risks every day. Some are relatively minimal and thus not considered consciously. For example, we drive to work every day expecting that we will safely return home at the end of the day. However, some people do not.

Some risks may be minimal, but we address them. Most of us have homeowner's or renter's insurance to protect our interests and fire insurance in the event of a catastrophe. We assess the risk by determining which deductible level is acceptable to us.

Legislators assume a certain degree of risk simply by filing for office. Few have uncontested elections, and most of us have egos that will not permit the thought of defeat. Yet one half of the candidates do lose.

Other risks are greater. Within the political realm, there is the risk that one will be blamed for making an incorrect decision. That often means that not making decisions or remaining committed to the status quo is safer than embracing change.

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