Don't Cry for Utility Shareholders, America

Maybe Steve Huntoon Was Right

We decided to check out the numbers. Utilities earned more than the cost of capital in most years. Utility investors earned an average market return, while taking a lower than average risk.

A Mindset to Mimic

What if Utilities Were Lead Like Amazon?

Reflect for a moment on the Amazon story. Yes, it’s a different type of business. But take careful note of how their leader’s mindset has shaped the outcomes.

Finishing Transmission Planning Reforms

No Way to Get There Without FERC Acting Now

Ineffective interregional transmission policies, not technical or economic barriers, are the chief factors holding up the construction of new interstate transmission. This will not change without FERC intervention.

Active Grid

Where Smart Energy Meets Internet of Things

Imagine what could be achieved if the current modernized grid evolved to be even more dynamic, a complete solution encompassing electricity, gas and water.

October excerpt: Why financial strength matters

An excerpt from October’s Public Utilities Fortnightly, among the 23 articles, columns and letters in this issue

An excerpt from October’s Public Utilities Fortnightly, From the Editor, pages 4 and 6:

If you believe the nation’s electric grid (including its generating, transmission and distribution infrastructure) doesn’t need much tending to, doesn’t need much capital investment, then the financial strength of our utilities doesn’t matter much to you. 

But consider the converse. If you believe the grid does need much tending to, does need much investment, then the financial strength of our utilities does matter a whole lot to you… 

You Must Read 'Last Days of Night'

Foundation story for our industry, with intrigues of Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla, Morgan and Bell

“Last Days of Night” is a historical novel about the war of currents between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse, along with Nikola Tesla, J.P. Morgan and Alexander Graham Bell.

October issue: Two compelling excerpts

From our upcoming October issue, among 23 articles, columns, letters

“Rethinking Rationale for Net Metering,” By Barbara Alexander, Ashley Brown, and Ahmad Faruqui; and “Leadership Lyceum Podcast Summary,” Tom Fanning, Southern Co. CEO, with interviewer Tom Linquist.