NARUC in Tbilisi

Regulatory Volunteers Making a Difference

Through the support of the U.S. AID, NARUC and the Georgia National Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, have collaborated on key regulatory issues since 2008.

How Utilities Can Extend the Regulated Model

Opportunities for Growth and New Services

A complementary evolutionary strategy may yield near-term bottom line results while the longer-term journey to revolutionize the regulatory model is underway.

Not Just for Lawyers

Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas Pipelines

Can FERC reliably predict whether, when, renewables and storage will become sufficiently economically, technically feasible to displace fossil fuel generation?

Michigan PSC: The Next Generation

Lauren Fromm, Daniel Gottschalk, Derrell Slaughter

“The continued rise of consumer-related technology is going to increase time-of-use rates.”