Video: Wally Haas, APPA 6 Here’s how people without electricity get their heat and water in the Navajo Nation. (2:30)
Video: Wally Haas, APPA 4 How to pay for electrification? With renewable energy projects, which fit Navajo cultural tradition. (1:37)
Video: Wally Haas, APPA 3 NTUA was created in 1959 because local utilities, co-ops and municipals didn’t meet the utility needs of the Navajo people. (1:00)
Video: Wally Haas, APPA 2 The Navajo region is 27,000 square miles, with very few customers per mile of line. (1:31)
Video: Wally Haas, APPA National Conference More than 60,000 people living within the Navajo Nation are without access to electricity. (0:36)
Navajo Nation Electrification Wally Haase spoke on the sixty thousand people living within the Navajo nation without access to electricity.
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