Transmission Summit Convenes in Lawrence

Electric Transmission Policy Summit

What would bring a FERC Commissioner, DOE Office of Electricity Deputy Assistant Secretary, representatives from the SPP, MISO, Manitoba Hydro, AWEA, two National Laboratories, state regulators or staff members from four states, representatives from Clean Air organizations, and public utilities together?

An opportunity to discuss seams issues, interface between wires and non-wires scenarios, examine renewable generated energy versus capacity opportunities, and a baseball game.

Is FCC Kicking the Can?

Eye on USF Contribution Requirements
The FCC could solve this problem by requiring Internet access service providers to contribute to the USF.

Does Europe Have a Handle on Its Energy Future?

Leaders or Laggards

We expected to find that Europeans had figured out a pathway to a clean-energy future, but to our surprise, this was not the case. We found Europeans tackling many of the same challenges we face in the United States.

Transportation Power: Thomas Ashley

On GridWise Alliance EV White Paper

"Greater recognition of the value of one-way managed charging will then make it easier over time to get to the point where bidirectional charging can proliferate."

Transportation Power: BGE and GridWise Alliance

On GridWise Alliance EV White Paper

"The GridWise white paper reinforces the need for utilities to play a key role in the expansion of EV charging stations to the benefit of customers and communities."

Transportation Power: Scott Prochazka

On GridWise Alliance EV White Paper

"It’s time to accelerate the infrastructure-charging discussion and find the solutions, so that as EVs become more numerous, the infrastructure will be ready."

Transportation Power

On GridWise Alliance EV White Paper

Report offers eight recommendations on key issues in transportation electrification including the role of utilities, the synergy between the grid and charging infrastructure, and what will be needed to accelerate acceptance of EVs by the public.

Two More Vets in Energy

Ensuring Continued Job Success

Two veterans describe how military service imbues men and women with discipline, technical skills, commitment, and leadership attributes, which translates into valuable skills for effective employment in the energy industry.