Net Metering FAQ

Rate Design and Subsidies

The NEM debate transcends regulatory boundaries and embodies a full-throttled argument under oath between divergent experts who are cross-examined by the opposing attorneys.

Regulatory Wayfinding

Hawaii PUC's Decade-Long Journey

Hawaii is blessed by abundant solar and other renewable energy resources but challenged by the volatility of the cost of imported fossil fuels.

Picture Energy: Exelon: Reinventing Energy in Our Cities

Exelon Innovation Expo, August 16, 2018

The 2018 Exelon Innovation Expo held August 16, 2018 at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. was the coolest place to be on a hot day. With a theme of Reinventing Energy in Our Cities, Exelon, setting a goal to reduce its emissions from internal operations by fifteen percent by 2022, brought together municipal and technology leaders for a convergence of thought panels and employee displays that championed the latest in building truly energy-efficient, smart cities.

Georgia PSC: Patrick Reinhardt

Public Utilities Engineer

"The Commission has very little regulation over wireless and broadband, however, we do take complaints on those issues when they come in."

Georgia PSC: Epps, Barber, Kernizan

Georgia PSC

Interviews with Pandora Epps - Director, Internal Consultants, Jamie Barber - Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Group Manager, Internal Consultants, and Sheree Kernizan - Director, Electric Unit