Power Marketers Flex at FERC

Electric utilities beware. Power marketers are not only here to stay, but their ranks are growing. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) logged approximately 100 applications in 1994, compared to nine in 1993. About half have been acted on already.

The fledgling industry is also staking out its regulatory territory. Notably, on December 14, the FERC ordered the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide nonfirm transmission service to AES Power Inc.

Tax Corner

Developers of independent power projects in foreign countries often try to set up the local-owner company to qualify as a partnership for U.S. tax purposes, even if the company is a corporation in the eyes of its government. This strategy enables the developer to defer U.S. taxes on his earnings from the project for as long as he is willing to keep the earnings abroad.

Under new IRS guidelines (Revenue Procedure 95-10) issued January 17, 1995, a foreign company qualifying as a partnership must have at least two shareholders.


The meltdown of the Clinton health reform plan suggests a return to competition-that managed care, capitated payment, and regional alliances will assume leading roles in the delivery of health service. But that conclusion may prove premature. Missing from the debate is a discussion of the true costs and implications of these emerging health alliances and health management organizations (HMOs).

Managed care may not offer the expected panacea for containing health costs.

California Revises "Blue Book" Schedule

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has issued an interim decision on restructuring the California electric industry (R.94-04-031). The decision calls for the CPUC to propose a policy decision for comment on March 22, 1995, and to adopt a policy decision 60 days later. That policy decision would then become effective in September 1995. To that end, the interim decision establishes a working group to examine how existing social, economic, and environmental programs would hold up under the range of proposed restructuring models.

Cajun Files for Chapter 11

Succumbing to the pressure of its debts, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has halted construction on three nuclear power plants, the only remaining incomplete plants in the nation. According to chairman Craven Crowell, TVA can no longer foot the bill alone. So far, TVA has invested about $4.6 billion in two unfinished units at the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant in Alabama, and $1.7 billion in Watts Bar 2 in Tennessee. TVA estimates it will cost as much as $8.8 billion to finish all three units. (The Bellefonte units are 88 percent and 57 percent complete, respectively.

Williams Moves into the Northeast

On December 12, the Williams Companies Inc. and Transco Energy Co. announced a cash tender offer by Williams to acquire up to 24.6 million shares, or 60 percent of Transco stock, for $17.50 per share. Combined with assumed debt and preferred shares, Williams' acquisition cost will total about $3 billion. Following completion of the tender offer, a newly formed subsidiary of Williams will be merged into Transco, with Transco continuing as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Williams. The boards of directors of both companies have unanimously approved the transaction.

DOE Prepares to Tighten its Belt

The Department of Energy (DOE) will definitely be leaner in the future, if not outright abolished by the newly Republican Congress. To get a jump on Republicans as well as to help pay for a middle-class tax cut, President Clinton proposes to cut DOE's budget by $10.6 billion over the next five years-a 10-percent cut in the agency's $18-billion annual budget.

Energy Secretary Hazel R.


Irl F. Englehardt, president and CEO of Peabody Holding Co. Inc., was elected to a two-year term as chairman of the National Coal Association. Steven F. Leer, president and CEO of Arch Mineral Corp., was elected vice chairman. Englehardt will be the 49th industry executive to serve as chairman in NCA's 77-year history.

Gerald E. Putman was made senior v.p. of a new customer service business unit at New York State Electric & Gas Corp.


In the energy industry, no question defies resolution more than electromagnetic fields (EMF).

The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) reported in late December that electric utilities have contributed close to $80 million for EMF research since the early 1970s. And new efforts are taking shape.

Cost of Service Ignores Load Factor

In his recent article, "Cost-of-Service Studies: Do They Really Tell Us Who's Subsidizing Who?" (Nov. 15, 1994), Mark Quinlan proposes an alternative cost-of-service methodology. He claims that under current cost-allocation methods (and given adequate capacity to meet demand) a rate class with increasing sales subsidizes a rate class with decreasing sales.