PUCs in Year 2000: Mixed Mission, Clear Challenge

You can look at the title in two ways: (a) "The sky is falling," or (b) "There's nothing new under the sun." But both views are wrong. Let me explain.

No one doubts that state public utility commissions (PUCs) must change. But we need not throw up our hands in despair or smile and pretend we've seen it all before. Yes, PUCs have seen major changes before. The 1930s expanded PUC authority from an advisory, sunshine role to serious oversight.

Tax Corner

In his article, "Why Taxes Don't Distort Emissions Trading" (Dec. 1, 1994, p. 37), Michael Thomas suggests that utilities should flow through the proceeds of emission allowance sales to ratepayers in the year of sale. His idea is that utilities can eliminate any net effect on current income taxes by matching the increased revenue (emissions sales proceeds) against a revenue decrease (lower rates charged to customers). Slam dunk. End of story. Unfortunately, it's not so simple.

Financial News

Annual Annual EPS

Close Close Percent 52-Wk 52-Wk Div Div Book P/E Last

Company Region 09/30/94 12/30/94 Change High Low Rate Yield Value Ratio 12 Mos. Electric Utilities AEP Company Inc. Midwest 31.38 32.88 4.78 37.38 27.25 2.40 7.30 22.68 11 2.94

Unicom Corp. Midwest 22.25 24.25 8.99 28.75 20.63 1.60 6.60 24.39 - -0.31

Union Electric Co.

FERC Eases PURPA/FPA Regulatory Burden

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved a final rule streamlining regulations in the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 and the Federal Power Act (parts I and II) that affect securities issued by public utilities, rate filings by public utilities, and procedural and technical rules governing qualifying facilities (QFs) (Docket No. RM92-12-000). The changes aim to reduce the regulatory burden on the QF industry.

FEC Questions Derivative Use

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will allow Aquila Power Corp., a power marketing subsidiary of UtiliCorp United Inc., to sell electricity at market-based rates, and has approved open-access transmission tariffs for UtiliCorp (Docket Nos. ER95-203-000 and ER95-216-000). Commissioner William L.

FERC Asked to Suspend CPUC Auctions

Southern California Edison (SCE) has asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to halt the state's Biennial Resource Plan Update energy auction (BRPU). SCE charges that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) violated the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) and FERC regulations by reinstating the auction late last year.

SCE believes that the auction, which requires California utilities to enter purchased-power contracts, could increase its potential stranded costs by up to $4 billion (in nominal dollars).

Telecommunications Reform Effort Renewed

The seven regional Bell operating companies have formed a coalition (em the Alliance for Competitive Communications (em to spearhead their efforts to reform the nation's telecommunications laws. The group's central goal is to eliminate barriers to competition among local telephone, long-distance, and cable television companies by:

s Encouraging competition in all markets

s Protecting universal service

s Opening markets to all competitors at once

s Ensuring that all competitors in each market are regulated similarly.

FERC to States: No QF Rates Higher than Avoided Cost

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has ruled that states may not set rates higher than a utility's avoided cost for power purchases from qualifying facilities (QFs) (Docket Nos. EL93-55-000 and

EL87-53-003). The new rule comes as part of a case in which Connecticut Light and Power Co.

Nuclear Waste Reform Among First Energy Bills

Over 300 bills were introduced in the first week of the new Congress that convened in January, among them a bill by Sen. J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA) aimed at correcting the government's seriously flawed nuclear waste storage program. Johnston heralded S.


Our industry stands at the threshold of significant change. Competitive forces and significant technological advances beckon the nation's electric utilities to step forward. The electric industry has the opportunity to create a future that provides the benefits of competition to all customer groups. If we don't restructure, someone else will do it for us.