Resources West Merger Promises Big Savings

Fortnightly Magazine - May 1 1995
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Sierra Pacific Resources and The Washington Water Power Co. have filed a report at the Nevada Public Service Commission on their proposed merger to form Resources West Energy (RWE), estimating a combined savings of $449 million over the next 10 years. As a result, the utilities propose to freeze rates until at least 2000, except for one limited price increase in Nevada in 1997 and selected adjustments for energy supplies or extenuating circumstances.

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About 42 percent of the savings will result from consolidation of duplicate functions and reductions in the workforce. Staff will be reduced by 372 employees (em 297 as a direct result of the merger (254 from Sierra Pacific; 18 from Washington Water Power). The two utilities will be reorganized into four primary lines of business, each responsible for its own financial results: 1) retail utility services for residential/small commercial, 2) retail utility service for large commercial/industrial, 3) wholesale energy, and 4) nonutility businesses. t

Lori A. Burkhart is an associate legal editor of PUBLIC UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY.

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