NEES Proposes Transmission Sub

The New England Electric System (NEES) has filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission for authority to separate

generation and transmission, and to create a

transmission subsidiary called NEES Transmission Services, Inc. NEES Transmission has filed proposed transmission tariffs at the FERC that would give its wholesale customers, including New England Power Co.

FERC OK's Affiliate Resale

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has conditionally allowed QST Energy Trading, Inc., a subsidiary of Central Illinois Light Co. to make sales to nonaffiliates as well as to an affiliate, QST Energy, Inc. (FERC Docket No. ER96-553-000). In turn, QST Energy would sell power in Illinois to customers located outside the service territory of Central Illinois.

FERC: "High-Low" Gas Pricing Prevents Gaming

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved Texas Eastern Transmission Corp.'s (TET) proposed revisions of its monthly imbalance cash-out mechanism (Docket No. RP96-142-000).

TET had asserted in February that its monthly imbalance mechanism enabled shippers to game the cash-out mechanism during the recent rapid and large price fluctuations in the spot gas market.

Senate Panel Continues Inquiry into Electricity'sw Future

If the new rules of electric industry competition don't permit stranded-cost recovery, the credibility of the U.S. government would be seriously undermined. Or so an executive of one of the country's largest utilities told a Senate energy panel."We just have to keep in mind we incurred these costs based under what the rules were," said Jerry Jackson of Entergy Corp. "If the government is going to change those rules . . .


Since the federal Court of Appeals decision in the Calvert Cliffs case over 25 years ago, no power plant may be built without a thorough socioeconomic impact statement. Yet, schemes to alter the entire supply system of a state - or even the nation - are currently proposed with only cursory attention to socioeconomic consequences.

Leaseback Transaction a First

Old Dominion Electric Co-op. (ODEC) has entered into a leaseback financing transaction with First Union National Bank that could save its 12 member systems about $4 million per year. First Union leased Unit One of the Clover Power Station from ODEC for 22 years with an upfront cash payment of $47.5 million, then leased it back to ODEC.

Moody's: Duke Stock Repurchase Stable

Moody's Investors Service has confirmed the credit ratings of Duke Power Co. (DP) despite the utility's decision to repurchase up to $1 billion in stock by 2000. Moody's expects DP to maintain its 'Aa2' senior secured bond rating. DP management intends to repurchase the stock while allowing a gradual increase in the retained earnings cushion. The program was designed to absorb the substantial cash inflow caused by the reversal of the Catawba power plant purchased-capacity levelization in 1996 and by the utility's declining capital expenditure needs.

U S WEST Problems May End Alternative Regulation

The Oregon Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has begun formal action against U S WEST Communications, Inc., alleging noncompliance with service-quality standards. The PUC will decide whether to continue, modify, or terminate its regulatory agreement with that company. Staff have recommended that the PUC terminate alternative regulation for U S WEST.

PUC staff first found the company out of compliance with standards in 1994. Although the situation stabilized for a few months, network performance has deteriorated.

Penn Power Asks for 10-Year Rate Plan

Pennsylvania Power Co. (PP) has asked the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to approve a 10-year "Rate Stability and Economic Development Plan," which includes a freeze on electric rates until May 1, 2006; enhanced customer assistance programs; rate incentives; and reduction of fixed costs and regulatory assets.

Rates would not be affected by future PP decisions on new generating capacity, removing or retiring generating facilities from service, or bulk-power purchases.