Ohio Proposes Electricity Aggregation Pilot

Fortnightly Magazine - August 1996
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The Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has proposed a set of guidelines for "conjunctive electric service" offerings. (Conjunctive service is described as the aggregation of service provided at different locations for cost-of-service, rate design, rate eligibility, and billing


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The proposed guidelines are intended to facilitate a two-year pilot program under the PUC's roundtable on competition in the electric industry. According to the PUC, the pilot is part of its ongoing effort to increase competitive options for Ohio businesses, without unduly harming the interests of utility shareholders or ratepayers.

Utilities are required to offer the conjunctive services, but will be allowed to set reasonable limits on availability (em such as contract capacity, maximum number of groups, and maximum number of customers within each group. The proposal does not resolve whether utilities have the right to establish qualification criteria (em e.g., current service under the same tariff or comparable load patterns. Re Conjunctive Electric Service, Case No. 96-406-EL-COI, May 8, 1996 (Ohio P.U.C.).

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