Off Peak

Fortnightly Magazine - August 1996
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An advance peek at the Edison Electric Institute's 1995 Statistical Yearbook of the Electric Utility Industry reveals a general trend toward increase over last year's figures (see Table 1).

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s Installed capacity totaled 749,723 megawatts (Mw), up 0.5 percent. Investor-owned utility (IOU) capacity alone rose 0.4 percent. And the South Atlantic division showed the largest increase: 1.6 percent.

s Generation totaled 2,994,529 gigawatt-hours (Gwh), up 2.9 percent. IOUs contributed 2,340,482 Gwh to this total, increasing its output 1.4 percent. While hydro generation increased 20.5 percent, generation from fuel oil dropped off a whopping 33.2 percent.

Hydro's share of generation also rose, by 1.4 percent. Coal's share of generation dipped slightly, however, by a meager 1 percent. (See Table 2 for numbers.)

s Sales to ultimate customers totaled 3,001,961 Gwh, up 2.5 percent. IOU sales rose

a close 2.4 percent, to 2,285,855 Gwh.

s Customers increased by a total 1.3 percent for the industry, and 1.2 percent for IOUs.

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