Fortnightly Magazine - February 2025

PUF Now Powered by SEPA

Kinda Like Mr. Scott’s Warp Drive

SEPA clearly is as passionate about Public Utilities Fortnightly as we are. And is ready to invest aggressively to really ramp up our capacity and expand our service to you and the entire utility regulatory and policy community.

Utility CEOs: Scott Lauber

WEC Energy Group

“We have over $5 billion in proposed projects pending before state regulators – the largest total generation projects I’ve ever seen in Wisconsin. Economic development is strong in Wisconsin, and for us to meet the energy needs, we need to build the additional capacity and the distribution and transmission.”

Utility CEOs: Bob Frenzel

Xcel Energy

“We are making large investments in the electric grid, both transmission and distribution, as well as a significant investment in new and clean generation.”

Why SEPA and PUF Are Joining Forces

Shaping Energy’s Future

PUF is now powered by SEPA. Together, we envision an exciting journey ahead and the unlimited possibilities of what we can accomplish together on behalf of both our members and our industry.

NARUC Winter Policy Summit Wants You

Let There Be Light

“President Tricia Pridemore’s ‘Let There Be Light’ agenda kicks off at the winter meeting. She will reiterate the plans she laid out at the Annual Meeting and put into action through the Demand Roundtable, the Gas-Electric Alignment for Reliability Task Force meeting, and more.”

Drive to Clean Energy Amid Wildfires, Part 1

Hawaii PUC

Hawaii is undergoing a major transformation to move from a state that was almost completely reliant on imported fossil fuels to one powered by clean, renewable energy. Hawaii was the first state to commit to one hundred percent clean, renewable energy for electricity. PUF’s Paul Kjellander talks with Hawaii PUC Chair Leo Asuncion and the State’s Chief Energy Officer Mark Glick.

Clean Energy Amid Wildfires: Leo Asuncion

Hawaii PUC

“100% of generation should come from renewable resources by 2045. There’re definitions of what’s considered renewable generation. We’re a finite land mass. There’s no inter-island cable. Each island needs to figure out the right mix.”

Clean Energy Amid Wildfires: Mark Glick

Hawaii PUC

“With the combination of a complete RPS, that moves to total fruition at one hundred percent renewable energy, and going beyond net neutral on carbon emissions, Hawaii has one of the more robust energy policies anywhere.”

Safe Water Drinking Act's 50th Anniversary

On Tap for Next 50

“Ohio recognized the need to act and clean up not only the industrial waste but the unchecked discharge of raw sewage. What could no longer be ignored was the need for federal standards, oversight, and consequences. Environmental cleanup was not yet comprehensive, nor a national priority.”