Why SEPA and PUF Are Joining Forces


Shaping Energy’s Future

Fortnightly Magazine - February 2025
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Exactly one year ago — during a fateful conversation amidst the backdrop of the 2024 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Winter Policy Summit — the seeds of a partnership were planted.

What if Public Utilities Fortnightly and the Smart Electric Power Alliance joined forces in service of their shared mission to progress actionable solutions toward a clean energy system, elevate energy thought leadership, showcase the perspectives of state utility regulators and industry leaders, and drive forward critical conversations about the future of energy?

Today, those carefully cultivated seeds of ongoing dialogue have bloomed, and PUF is now powered by SEPA. Together, we envision an exciting journey ahead and the unlimited possibilities of what we can accomplish together on behalf of both our members and our industry.

SEPA and PUF – Our History

But, first, an introduction to SEPA, for those who are not familiar with the thirty-year old, educational, non-profit organization. SEPA has evolved, starting in the early 1990s as the Utility PhotoVoltaic Group (now, say that ten times fast), with the support of the U.S. Department of Energy and investor-owned utilities, focusing on the growth of utility-scale solar through nationwide pilots.

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