Fortnightly Magazine - April 2021

When Texas Seceded, Its Grid That Is

Judge Cudahy’s Second Alamo Article

PUF reviews Judge Richard Cudahy’s famous 1995 article on the so-called Midnight Connection that led to the disconnection of the Texas grid from the eastern and western grids. Even more relevant today given the ERCOT meltdown.

Not At All Passive About Passive Buildings

Eversource Energy

“Passive house goes beyond obvious ways to reduce loads, like insulation, and provides a rigorous approach to minimizing thermal bridging and amount of air that can leak through a building’s envelope.”

Revenue Decoupling at 40

Venerable PBR Tool Goes National

In the electric utility industry, decoupling is currently used in 19 jurisdictions. This count includes decoupling approvals by regulators in two jurisdictions that take effect in July.

U.S. and EEI Re-engage International Community

Edison Electric Institute

“Addressing global climate change and other vexing problems facing the world requires long-term thinking and a stable and consistent public policy to attract investments needed to finance actions to meet net-zero targets.”