Not At All Passive About Passive Buildings


Eversource Energy

Fortnightly Magazine - April 2021
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It's clear that utilities are serious about decarbonizing, and a huge part of that includes ensuring buildings are part of the solution. This is important work, as we spend a lot of time in buildings, so their efficiency is on the radar of leading utilities.

It's not easy to construct new buildings that are super-efficient. Enter the passive house, that has a different take by educating builders, calculating incentives, and working in hand with utilities.

Despite the pandemic, it's about enhancing customers' building efficiency. Check out what's up with this efficiency leader, Eversource Energy's Brendan Giza-Sisson, on the passive home program he leads, that is gaining interest across the U.S.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: What do you do at Eversource and how is it connected to this passive house movement?

Brendan Giza-Sisson: I manage our residential new construction program. Along with the other program administrators, I'm responsible for the long-term strategy for the program and how the incentive structures are developed to create the types of results that we want to see in the market.

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