State PUCs
Retail Energy Choice. At press time, Virginia issued proposed interim rules governing pilot programs for electric retail competition in electricity and natural gas, with comments due Feb. 24. The interim rules were not expected to resolve all issues, but only to provide a starting point to gain experience.
Among other points, the interim rules would require utilities to make information available through electronic bulletin boards on availability of commodity supply, ancillary services, and transmission and distribution capacity. Case No. PUE980812, Feb. 10, 2000 (Va. S.C.C.).
Discounted Rate Contracts. Even though Ohio will launch retail electric competition on Jan. 1, 2001, the PUC denied a request for rehearing filed by Enron and OK'd certain special customer contracts proposed by Ohio Edison Co. and Cleveland Electric Illuminating.
The PUC said it would wait until reviewing and approving individual utility transition plans to get "a clearer picture" of what to do about such contracts, but said it had not yet precluded any option. Case Nos. 99-389-EL-AEC et al., Feb. 3, 2000 (Ohio P.U.C.).
Performance-based Rates. Connecticut regulators set rough guidelines for performance-based rate plans, declining to set uniform standards, as that might overly constrict the future design of PBR plans. However, the new general guidelines do call for company-specific performance measures and collars on return on equity, and envision a plan term of between three and six years.