New PUF Report
Steve Mitnick has authored five books on the economics, history, and people of the utilities industries. Paul Kjellander is PUF Senior Advisor and former Idaho PUC Chair.
"Energy Affordability and Equity — And What We Can Do," recently released by the team at Public Utilities Fortnightly, is a comprehensive report on energy and utilities companies' affordability challenges and solutions. It recognizes first and foremost that to materially help households that need relief, it is important to understand what kinds of households have these challenges and why they do, with a variety of situations — energy, income, expenditures, and assets/liabilities — top of mind.
The same goes when assessing the probable impacts of possible solutions on households battling unaffordability. It must be factored in that a utility's residential customers and those with affordability challenges, are not a homogeneous group with uniform circumstances.
Affordability is a tough yet important subject to grapple with, which is why the report is ninety pages and free to download on the PUF website. Provided here are excerpts to whet your appetite.
The PUF team is grateful for the report's sponsors. Our research in this project and this report would not have been possible without the support of Exelon and National Grid.