New Opportunities: American Electric Power’s board of directors elected Nicholas K. Akins president. Akins is currently executive v.p.-generation for AEP. He will be succeeded by Mark C. McCullough who was senior vice president-fossil and hydro generation.

Edison International promoted two Southern California Edison senior executives. Lynda Ziegler, senior v.p. of customer service, and Steve Pickett, senior v.p. and general counsel, will become executive vice presidents at SCE.
Constellation Energy named Carim V. Khouzami as chief financial officer and treasurer at Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE). He was director of investor relations since 2009. Sandra E. Brummitt, formerly director of tax planning, replaces Khouzami as director of investor relations.
Consumers Energy added Doug Roberts Jr. as a legislative staff member. Roberts comes to the utility from the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, where he served as the organizat ion’s director of environmental and energy policy.
DPL Inc. elevated Craig Jackson to v.p. and treasurer of DPL and Dayton Power & Light. Also Tom Raga joined DPL as director of government relations. Raga served as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives where he was vice chairman of the House Finance and Appropriations Committee.