
Dominion Closes on First Phase of Solar Sale to SunEdison

Dominion closed on the first phase of its previously announced sale of a 33 percent ownership interest in 425 MW of solar generating capacity to SunEdison. Dominion received approximately $180 million for the first phase, which includes an ownership interest in 253 MW of solar generating capacity at 15 sites in five states. The second phase is expected to close by early 2016 for approximately $120 million, subject to working capital and certain other adjustments.

The Rise and Fall of Big Transmission

The alternatives may make more sense.

After 10 years of dramatic announcements and proposals, the reality today is that Big Transmission has fallen and it won't be getting up - not even for the Clean Power Plan. And the fall of Big Transmission is not a public policy failure. Rather, it never did make sense.

The Fortnightly 40 Best Energy Companies

A reshuffling of the rankings. Is nuclear the cause?

Of the top ten movers in this year’s Fortnightly 40, seven utilities rose in the rankings and three went down. But the utilities moving the most from 2013 to 2014 went down hard.

SunEdison and Dominion Partner for 420-MW Solar Project in Utah

SunEdison signed a definitive agreement with Dominion, establishing a joint venture for Four Brothers, a 420-MW DC, or 320-MW  AC, solar project in Utah, developed by SunEdison. The project is now under construction and fully financed with an expected commercial operation date of mid-2016. The Four Brothers project is contracted under long-term PPAs for 20 years with PacifiCorp.

People (August 2015)

Rick Riley was named group v.p. of customer service and operations for Entergy Arkansas Inc. and will replace Hugh McDonald as president and CEO when McDonald retires in 2016; Edison Electric Institute chose Nicholas K. "Nick" Akins, chairman, president and CEO of American Electric Power, and also elected four vice chairmen; Appointments by American Electric Power, Con Edison, Georgia Power, Dominion Resources, American Transmission Co. and Pacific Gas and Electric; and others...

Is Nuclear Energy Still Viable?

Cheap natural gas is not just hurting coal. It’s doing the same to nuclear.

As the nation strives for cleaner air and less carbon emissions, nuclear – the most promising carbon-free power source – faces stiff competition from natural gas, which is cheap, abundant, and a lot easier to get permitted and built than a conventional reactor.

People (July 2015)

OGE Energy chairman and CEO Pete Delaney stepped down from the CEO position to become the interim CEO of Enable Midstream Partners. In response, OGE named current president Sean Trauschke, as CEO. PJM Interconnection elected Terry Blackwell to the PJM board. Chesapeake Utilities appointed John R. Schimkaitis to serve as chairman of the board. Paul D. Koonce adds the role of president-Dominion Virginia Power to his responsibilities. And others...

Dominion Acquires a 20-MW Solar Facility in California from E.ON

Dominion acquired a 20-MW solar facility in California from E.ON North America. The facility is expected to enter service in the second quarter of 2015. Alamo Solar is located in San Bernardino County near Helendale, Calif. It has secured a 20-year PPA and an interconnection agreement. Financial details were not disclosed.