Off Peak

Experts predict top 10 energy innovations for 2010.
Fortnightly Magazine - October 15 2000
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Off Peak

October 15, 2000

Life in the Aughts

Experts predict top 10 energy innovations for 2010.

Before we've even agreed on a name for the coming decade, energy experts are predicting life-altering changes by 2010.

A panel of authorities from Battelle Memorial Institute and the national laboratories it manages and co-manages for the U.S. Department of Energy has identified the 10 energy innovations most likely to impact the economy by 2010. The experts based their choices on factors including economics, R&D, worldwide environmental regulation, consumer behavior and preferences, national energy policy, and legal issues.

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1. Utilities Converge. Behemoth mega-utilities will emerge from the crowd of players, and likely will be one-stop providers of electric, gas, telecommunications, and water services.

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