Off Peak
Off Peak
October 15, 2000
Life in the Aughts
Experts predict top 10 energy innovations for 2010.
Before we've even agreed on a name for the coming decade, energy experts are predicting life-altering changes by 2010.
Off Peak
October 15, 2000
Life in the Aughts
Experts predict top 10 energy innovations for 2010.
Before we've even agreed on a name for the coming decade, energy experts are predicting life-altering changes by 2010.
1 Some utilities may question this concept. San Diego Gas & Electric argued in California's DG investigation that distributed generation does not always lead to a reduction in distribution plant investment, and that any investment savings is not kilowatt for kilowatt. And the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has taken a more extreme position, allowing a utility to charge a fee for distributed generators delivering electricity into the distribution grid.
1 Ilic, Zaborszky, "Dynamics and Control of Large Electric Power Systems," John Wiley & Sons, 2000 (800 page text).
2 Ilic, Arce, Yoon, Fumagali, "Assessing Reliability Under Open Access," to be published in The Electricity Journal, December 2000.
3 For more information, please contact the author and/or the MIT Technology Licensing Office, making reference to MIT Case # 9062.
Engineers Have Their Day
News Digest
State PUCs
Restructuring Plans. The Ohio PUC denied rehearing of its restructuring order for FirstEnergy issued two months earlier, rejecting arguments by all petitioners-utility, marketers, and consumer watchdog groups.