Get Real As inflation increases and electric rates remain stable, electricity really does become less expensive.
Happy Birthday Nikola! This system Nikola overcame would have been less reliable, more polluting, more expensive, and infeasible for suburban and rural communities.
40% Emission Free, Here We Come This year, year-to-date, the emission-free five made 38.3% of the grid’s electricity.
Commercial and Residential Consumption Turnaround? Year-to-date commercial and residential consumption in 2018 was the third highest historically.
APPA in NOLA Coleman Smoak, Piedmont Municipal Power Agency's GM, gives his first speech as Chair of the APPA Board.
Eight State Commission Chairs on State and Future of Power ‘Consider the Auk who became extinct because it forgot how to fly and could only walk.’
States are the Game Before Dungeons & Dragons, Pac Man, Super Mario, Sim City, Pokémon, Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, Game of the States was the way to spend a lazy hour.
Who Pays High Bills? Who Pays Low? Ok. Take out your number two pencils. Time for a couple of questions.
Electric CPI versus Overall CPI The inflation-adjusted price of electricity fell significantly in the three regions.
Americans Spent 98.65% on Everything Else Is 1.35 percent good or bad you ask. Short answer: definitely good. But you know I’m not a short answer guy.