On June 20, I was at the American Public Power Association's National Conference in New Orleans. And snapped this pic of Coleman Smoak, general manager of Piedmont Municipal Power Agency (South Carolina).

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Smoak was giving his first speech as Chair of the APPA Board. Public Power Matters will be the theme over the coming year.

Decosta Jenkins, CEO of Nashville Electric Service, is now Chair-Elect of APPA. Jolene Thompson, of American Municipal Power (Ohio), is now Vice Chair.

Smoak chose five members of the Board to serve on the Executive Committee. Tim Burke, CEO of Omaha Public Power District. Tony Cannon, CEO of Greenville Utilities Commission (North Carolina). Leslie James, executive director of Colorado River Energy Distributors Association. Andrew McMahon, superintendent of Town of Massena (New York). Ron Skagen, commissioner of Douglas County Public Utility District (Washington).

Six were newly elected to the Board. Mark Chesney, CEO of Kansas Power Pool. Todd Gale, general manager of Columbus Light and Water (Mississippi). David Osburn, general manager of Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority. Laurie Mangum, energy director for City of St. George (Utah). Darrel Wenzel, CEO of Waverly Utilities (Iowa). David Wright, general manager of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

And five were re-elected to the Board. Fred Clark, Jr., CEO of Alabama Municipal Electric Authority. David Koster, general manager of Holland Board of Public Works (Michigan). Arlen Orchard, CEO of Sacramento Municipal Utility District. Steve Rentfrow, general manager of Crisp County Power Commission (Georgia). And the aforementioned Jolene Thompson.

Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs


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Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly, and President, Lines Up, Inc.

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