Management & Leadership

Four Themes Empowering Utilities in 2025

Positive Deal Outlook

“In an EY Industrials & Energy Brand Survey from October 2024, 45% of responding executives expected to invest a high amount in sustainability and ESG consulting and reporting over the next 12 to 18 months, compared with 32% among all respondents across sectors.”

EEI: Leadership in Uncertain Times

Global Electrification Forum

Panelists shared perspectives on risk management under uncertainty, and how leaders can turn inflection points and disruptions into opportunities while moving through a transformational decade.

Commissioners Emeritus Officers' Roundtable

NARUC’s Commissioners Emeritus

A conversation with Ed Salmon, former President of the New Jersey BPU, Jim Sullivan, former President of the Alabama PSC, and Kim Pizzingrilli, former Commissioner of the Pennsylvania PUC.

New Jersey BPU: Grace Power and Christine Sadovy

Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff

“This office oversees external facing facets of the BPU, including Communications and Legislation, as well as internal operations, such as Fiscal, IT, and HR. The technical divisions, such as Clean Energy, Water, and Reliability and Security, report to the Executive Director’s office.”

PUF's CFO Roundtable

Panel Discussion With Four CFOs

Roundtable discussion with the chief financial officers of Consolidated Edison (Robert Hoglund), ITC Holdings (Gretchen Holloway), PSEG (Dan Cregg) and Xcel Energy (Bob Frenzel).

Energy People: Arshad Mansoor

We talked with Arshad Mansoor, Senior Vice President, Research and Development for the Electric Power Research Institute

Arshad Mansoor is responsible for EPRI's portfolio of R&D and demonstration programs. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and is a member of the board of The Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) at UNC Charlotte.

Energy People: Rob Powelson

We talked with NARUC President, Commissioner Rob Powelson

Commissioner Powelson was installed as the 128th president of NARUC in November 2016.

Energy People: Lawrence Jones

We talked with Lawrence Jones, the Edison Electric Institute's Vice President for International Programs

Lawrence Jones joined the Edison Electric Institute a year ago as the association's vice president for international programs. He had been North America vice president for utility innovation and infrastructure resilience at Alstom Grid Inc., and also vice president for policy, regulatory affairs and industry relations for Alstom.