Impactful Leadership


Edison Electric Institute International

Fortnightly Magazine - June 2024
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During the eighth Annual Global Electrification Forum (GEF) — held April 15-19 in Washington, D.C. — Australian Energy Market Operator Non-Executive Director Nino Ficca was presented with the Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla Impactful Leadership (TENTIL) Award and participated in the accompanying TENTIL Dialogue.

The TENTIL Dialogue features leaders who have had significant impact in the electricity and adjacent sectors, and award recipients are invited to share their thought leadership based on experiences, profession, and life more broadly. During this year's GEF, Ficca was in conversation with EEI CEO Dan Brouillette and discussed the lessons learned from his decades of experience in the global electric power industry.

The following is an excerpt from this conversation, which can be watched in full on the EEI International Programs Engagement Hub. This excerpt has been lightly edited for clarity.


EEI CEO Dan Brouillette: Nino, many people can lead, but very few can impact the lives of millions of people around the world. I'm reminded of a quote that's attributed to Thomas Edison: "What you are will show in what you do." Edison meant the impact of what you do is evidenced by the lives you affect.

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