News Analysis

Fuel costs drive electric prices, but generators seem perfectly willing to pay a premium for fuel when they're getting top dollar for power.


News Analysis



Entergy's Grid Grab

Will tomorrow's transmission be privately funded, with the first-class seats reserved for investors?

The six o'clock news has locked its radar on California's power market meltdown, and rightly so. But that's no reason to overlook the nation's heartland, where a utility coming late to the game has set the pot boiling.

Off Peak

California high school students put their education to work.<b> </b>

Off Peak

February 15, 2001

Deregulation 101


California high school students put their education to work.

Jan. 11, 2001

Dear Secretary of Energy Richardson:

PG&E's Hydro Workout: Can This Deal Be Saved?

For the utility, wresting its assets from PUC control is the real point.


For the utility, wresting its assets from PUC control is the real point.

Gas & Electric Co.'s 17-month-old proposal to divest its hydro assets via auction likely is dead, a casualty of California's ongoing energy market turmoil. Despite this reality, the utility's auction proposal remained active at the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) as of press time in mid-January, even as the governor and state legislature held emergency meetings amid rolling blackouts.

California Dreaming: Will FERC's Plan Work?

And even if it does, it probably won't.

1 Staff Report to the Federal Energy Commission on Western Markets and the Causes of the Summer 2000 Price Abnormalities—Part 1, Nov. 1, 2000 (Staff Report), p. 6-1.

2 Order Directing Remedies For California Wholesale Electric Markets, . Note that while FERC recognizes that siting matters and retail demand response programs reside within exclusive state jurisdiction, FERC urges state officials to take certain actions in these areas.

Was Gas to Blame? Exploring the Cause of California's High Prices

Basis exploded, but so did heat rates and NO<sub>x </sub>credits.

1 "Staff Report to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Western Markets and the Causes of the Summer 2000 Price Abnormalities," Nov. 1, 2000. Available on FERC website, www.ferc.gov. Hereinafter cited as Ferc Staff Report on California.

2 Source: Energy Security Analysis Inc. power databases using EIA form F900 and F759 data.

Off Peak

<b>California Sen. Steve Peace says it wasn't him, and he has the video to prove it. </b>

Off Peak

February 1, 2001

Who Lost Deregulation?


News Analysis

When California cries "wolf," will its neighbors cower like sheep?

1 ISO terminology is complex and often misleading. A Stage 1 emergency occurs when the ISO does not meet its own reserve criteria. Stage 2 occurs when it cannot meet a 5 percent reserve margin. A Stage 3 takes place when it cannot meet at 1.5 percent reserve margin. An ISO emergency can take place even when local resources are available-so long as they have not been bid into its daily reserve purchasing.