Off Peak

Make that 2.3 cents-the miserly refund that California says it might owe for power that it sold to the Pacific Northwest.<b> </b>

Off Peak

October 1, 2001

Pennies From Heaven


Make that 2.3 cents-the miserly refund that California says it might owe for power that it sold to the Pacific Northwest.

Every time it rains ... it still leaves those hydro reservoirs just a little bit short.

News Analysis

<br> IPPs and other stakeholders long have called for standards, but this time, the FERC just might oblige.


News Analysis


IPPs and other stakeholders long have called for standards, but this time, the FERC just might oblige.


"Certain transmission owners ... have impeded the interconnection process and, thereby, new generation construction."

"Many transmission providers also refuse to offer network transmission service to merchant generators ... ."


Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.

Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.


Regulators face a daunting task in sorting out power refunds in the Pacific Northwest.


Ripple Effects


Off Peak

The El Paso case just won't quit.<b> </b>

Off Peak

September 15, 2001

Let's Play "Spin the Pipeline"


The El Paso case just won't quit.

It began over a year ago, on April 4, 2000. That's when California accused El Paso Natural Gas Co. of manipulating capacity rights on its natural gas pipeline by auctioning them off to its own affiliate, El Paso Merchant Energy.

Neptune and the Northeast

What a merchant transmission line <br> could bring to the table<font color="000066" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">.

Neptune and the Northeast



California sued El Paso for gaming the pipeline. But the blame may lie to the East.


The Great Gas Grab



Northeast Power Markets: The Argument for a Unified Grid

How different regional protocols distort power prices and flows among New York, New England, and PJM.

Introduction: How an efficient re-dispatch of transactions between ISOs would save close to a half billion dollars each year, arguing for regional consolidation, as urged by the FERC.