The Brink of Ruin?
The Brink of Ruin?
1 For examples of the degree to which buildings have conservation features such as multiple glazing and exterior or interior shading and awnings the reader is referred to "A Look at Commercial Buildings in 1995: Characteristics, Energy Consumption and Energy Expenditures," DOE/EIA - 0625 (95), October 1998. For information on conservation practice in the residential sector see "A Look at Residential Energy Consumption in 1997," DOE/EIA - 0632 (97), November 1999.
News Digest
1 Also cited as contributing factors are the lack of long-term contracting, operating problems in the ISO and power exchange (PX) markets, and suggestions that owners of generation took advantage of the supply shortage and the design of California's wholesale power markets to exercise market power to drive prices higher.
Why it's just as important for the old economy.
Mention "power quality" and the mind conjures up visions of tech hotels stuffed with Internet servers running 24/7, retrofitted into inner city industrial warehouses-buildings sturdy enough to forgive the heavy installation of custom power supply equipment and racks of batteries. Or perhaps Silicon Valley.
1 A representation of a generic interconnection, with thermal, hydro, and nuclear generation sharing a grid with a winter peaking load.
2 , 93 FERC 61,294, Dec. 15, 2000.
3 For a survey of methods, see J.W. Marangon Lima "Allocation of Transmission Fixed Charges: An Overview,", Vol. 11, No. 3, 1996.
Transmission constraints and technology developments may hasten emerging applications.
Sure, superconductor technology might have lots of potential, but it can't do anything for me today.