

New Hires:

New Hires:

The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) promoted Dave Nevius to senior vice president; David Cook to vice president and general counsel; and Don Benjamin to vice president. Nevius has been a vice president at NERC since 1986; Cook has been NERC's general counsel since 1999; and Benjamin has been director of operations since 1985.

Ameren Corp. named Martin J. Lyons vice president. Lyons has been the company's controller since joining Ameren in October 2001.

Commission Watch

FERC looks ahead to the new year as it wraps up loose ends from 2002.

FERC: SMD/Grid Issues Lead 2003 Agenda



Business & Money

Energy experts debate the pros and cons of the Bush administration's proposal to eliminate the double taxation of dividends.

Double Taxation Repeal: Fire or Ice?



The Top 10

The Ten Most Intriguing Business Decisions in the Post-Enron World.

10. Exelon throws in the towel on pebble bed; 9. Exelon, Entergy, Dominion ready to do the rounds on traditional nuclear; 8. AES wants out of Cilcorp marriage; 7. New-look Aquila goes hunting ...

People (Feb 15, 2002)

Dan Boverman has been appointed vice president and CFO for Celerity Energy. SEMCO Energy appointed John E. Schneider as CFO. Constellation Energy has announced several personnel changes. And others ...

People (Feb 1, 2002)

National Fuel Gas Co. elected Philip C. Ackerman to chairman of the board. Roy McAllister has joined Mirant as senior vice president, external affairs. Chesapeake Utilities Corp. appointed three new members to its board of directors. And others ...

People (Jan 1, 2002)

El Paso Corp. announced that Britton White Jr. has retired as executive vice president and general counsel. He was appointed to this position after El Paso acquired Tenneco Energy in 1996. Peggy A. Heeg has been named as his replacement. Heeg previously served as senior vice president and deputy general counsel. She joined Tenneco Energy in 1990 and became vice president and associate general counsel for regulated pipelines for El Paso after the merger. El Paso also announced the retirement of David A. Arledge from its board of directors.