The New Venture Capitalists: Utilities Go Shopping for Deals
How gas supply and price disruptions now outweigh Big earnings potential plus an energy-related focus are prerequisites when AEP and Cinergy sort through investment projects.
News Digest
e-Commerce is consolidating, but there's room for the little guys too.
Thomas Edison built the electric utility industry virtually from scratch out of his workshop, so can Internet mavericks do the same for e-commerce? Or has the moment passed for the garage startups, leaving it to the big utilitiesor better yet, the large conglomerates and multi-company joint venturesto attract capital and introduce the new ideas?
PLT could allow energy companies to provide Internet, voice, and data via the grid, but technological hurdles and fierce competition remain obstacles.
News Digest
News Digest
Why the DOE's recent report suggests we need new antitrust rules for "deregulated" utility markets.