Fusion Power: The Burning Issue

The Department of Energy is gambling on the wrong fusion approach and may needlessly burn up billions in taxpayer dollars in the process.

The Department of Energy is gambling on the wrong fusion approach and may needlessly burn up billions in taxpayer dollars in the process.

Fusion power research is at a crossroads. Continuing along the current path will almost certainly lead to major disappointment for one of the few long-term energy sources potentially available.

Regulation No. 226: Perestroika for Russian Energy Investment

The Federal Energy Commission of Russia is set to restructure the country's energy rules and make opportunities for investment attractive.

The Federal Energy Commission of Russia is set to restructure the country's energy rules and make opportunities for investment attractive.

Potential investors in Russian energy will be particularly interested in Regulation 226, "On Price Formation Regarding Electric and Heat Energy." Enacted on April 2, 2002, this regulation, if implemented as fully presented, provides an attractive basis for the balance of interests between investors and consumers of Russian electricity called for by Federal Energy Commission of Russia (FEC) Chairman Geor

Investment in Russia: Super Power Opportunities

The Russian power sector is priming itself for outside financial and infrastructure investment. By Branko Terzic and James Balaschak

The Russian power sector is priming itself for outside financial and infrastructure investment. By Branko Terzic and James Balaschak

Prospects for the successful development of the Russian power sector in the next 20 years will depend on the inflow of private investment into the industry. The crucial task, as clearly understood by both the Russian government and the management of the major power companies, is how to significantly raise the attractiveness of the industry to private investors.

Competition Lost

U.S. companies' international strategies turn sour, as Europe faces a future with an oligopoly of power companies.

U.S. companies' international strategies turn sour, as Europe faces a future with an oligopoly of power companies.

While the European Union is pushing to give all industrial and commercial customers electric choice by 2004, giant incumbent European utilities are increasingly dominating power markets across Europe and the United Kingdom.

Off Peak

<i>Fortnightly</i> looks back at 2002's Golden Executive Parachutes. We wish them good luck on the golf course.

Giving Up the Corner Office

looks back at 2002's Golden Executive Parachutes. We wish them good luck on the golf course.

Doing It Without Chuck (who made do with a $33 million severance package)

"The real leaders are those that figure out how to get things done beyond what they could get done themselves."

Green With Envy: Rationalization and a $7.6 million severance package

Technology Corridor

Utilities and vendors take a hard look at online procurement.

Mining Gold From The Supply Chain



Utilities and vendors take a hard look at online procurement.

Feel like saving your company $50 million? That's the question Joseph Zelechoski, director of supply chain at PPL, has for those who haven't tried online supply chain management.

Business & Money

Energy experts debate the pros and cons of the Bush administration's proposal to eliminate the double taxation of dividends.

Double Taxation Repeal: Fire or Ice?




California must address its transmission problems, particularly Path 15.

Crisis Aftermath: Piecing Western Markets Together



An analyst looks at prospects for emerging power technologies in light of the recent turmoil over deregulation.

Goodbye to All That?



Commission Watch

State regulators redouble their deregulation efforts-or abandon them altogether.

Retail Energy in 2002: A Regulatory About-face



State regulators redouble their deregulation efforts-or abandon them altogether.

The past year was a phenomenal one for state public utility regulators.

A historical confluence of events, including the catastrophic failure of the move to deregulate California electric markets and a nationwide epidemic of corporate financial scandals, led in large part by energy trading firms, helps to explain the developments.