
New Positions:

New Positions:

Virginia's State Corporation Commission (SCC) named Howard M. Spinner as director of its Division of Economics and Finance, replacing Richard J. Williams. Williams is retiring after 22 years with the commission. Spinner has been with the SCC since 1998.

The Western Electricity Coordinating Council board of directors elected Jack L. King as its chair and Ronald D. Nunnally and Tim Newton as vice chairs.


Meeting tougher CO<sub>2</sub> emissions limits will require deep pockets.

Meeting tougher CO2 emissions limits will require deep pockets.

It's a tough problem that we have less than 22 years to solve. I had the occasion to chat with Dr. Henry R. Linden, Max McGraw Professor of Energy and Power Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology, about how the U.S. power industry must face the necessity of sharply reducing its CO2 emissions while having to increase its summer electric generating capacity from 781 GW in 2000 to 1,174 GW in 2025, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Culture Shock

By 2020, nearly half the workforce will be female and non-white. Are utilities ready?

By 2020, nearly half the workforce will be female and non-white. Are utilities ready?

The IT Outsourcing Question

The pros and cons of outsourcing utilities' IT functions.

The pros and cons of outsourcing utilities' IT functions.

Utility companies have a lot to think about these days. Whether or not to outsource information technologies (IT) is part of the equation being calculated in the present economy. While some managers feel anxiety at turning over important company functions to outsiders, others see it as an opportunity to free up IT staff for other work. And keeping up with ever-changing technology is a daunting task.

Retail Power: Double Down or Fold?

Utility retail is at a crossroads. Energy executives must decide which path to follow.

Utility retail is at a crossroads. Energy executives must decide which path to follow.

There are only two routes to creating or maintaining shareholder value in competitive retail electricity marketing: double down to grow the business significantly or fold and divest the business from its portfolio. Utilities and their competitive retail affiliates should determine today which of these two strategic bearings they wish to follow. The tentative middle ground of hold is simply a way to postpone the inevitable and erode shareholder value.

Technology Corridor

How software controls can bridge the gap between wholesale market prices and consumer behavior.

How software controls can bridge the gap between wholesale market prices and consumer behavior.

As ideas go, a microgrid is nothing new. Think of steam pipes for district heating in older urban cores. But add a few software controls, and the possibilities grow.

Business & Money

Cash flow reporting is more susceptible to manipulation than investors imagined.

Cash flow reporting is more susceptible to manipulation than investors imagined.

Financial results are the prism through which investors view performance in the world of business. Companies may have tens of thousands of employees supplying tangible goods and services to customers, but real and diverse activities are reduced to relatively few numbers when companies are valued.

New York Throws a Curve

ISO's new ICAP scheme seen as subsidy for the gen sector.

For evidence that electric restructuring has lost its way, look no further than ICAP — the dubious idea that to guarantee reliability and low prices, regulators should create a market not just for trading the finished commodity, but also for buying and selling ownership rights in the future ability to produce.