Green Price Stability

New approaches account for the economic benefits of renewables.

Many green power customers benefit from long-term fixed prices. The most effective programs recognize the value of this price hedge—and fairly exempt customers from fuel cost adders in utility rates.

A Multi-Pollutant Strategy

An integrated approach could prove more effective for controlling emissions.

Despite political challenges, the EPA and Congress have made strides toward a more coherent and integrated approach to regulating air emissions. The time is right to reach consensus on a multi-pollutant strategy.

Dynamic Pricing Solutions

How to account for lack of strong price signals. A hard year puts deregulation to the test.

The greatest benefits of time-of-use pricing come from avoided costs of peaking power and T&D capacity—but only if hourly retail prices accurately model the true costs of delivered energy, including scarcity rents. Restoring the missing price signals will encourage economic investments in AMI, conservation and system capacity.

Ready for IFRS?

International reporting standards are coming for U.S. public companies.

Adoption of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) in the United States undoubtedly will mark a significant change for many U.S. companies. But this change should not be feared. Moving to an entirely new accounting structure ultimately might enable companies to streamline reporting processes and reduce compliance costs.

The New Gas Wisdom

Unconventional gas sources put a ceiling on future prices.

Unconventional gas and LNG are changing the outlook for future gas prices.

Back to Gas

Utility turbines bridge the capacity gap.

Utilities are turning to natural gas as a bridge fuel, and to support non-dispatchable renewables.

Riding on The Wind

Plug-in hybrids usher a new era for wind power.

Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) open a new intersection between wind power and transportation.

Ontario's Standard Offer

Financial incentives work, but beware potential pitfalls.

The province’s renewable program was vastly oversubscribed. But was it successful?

Planning Ahead

Utilities that have new nuclear plants on the drawing board are involved in a host of strategies designed to address water issues. For some, these focus primarily on location. For others, technology is a key.