Executive Director Retires and Reflects


“NARUC serves as a place for gathering, exchanging information on a nonpartisan basis, and problem solving on issues coming before our members and the industry. It was an amazing opportunity to continue to provide service to our members.”

Strategies, Wildfire and Otherwise: SoCal Ed

SoCal Ed

“There’s a lot of sharing that goes on with our peers across the industry through EEI’s efforts around the broader wildfire-risk mitigation and solutions efforts. I co-chair EEI’s CEO Task Force on Wildfires and this is one of the key pieces.”

Strategies, Wildfire and Otherwise: PG&E


“We’ve invested billions of dollars into preventing wildfires, but just as important are the post-ignition protections. We have 45 two-person teams – 90 people – in Safety and Infrastructure Protection in place.”

Affordability Rap

Making ends meet they cannot. They’re in a tough spot

Eminem I’m not. But if you were at the “How Can We Afford All This?” Luncheon, hosted by the Public Utilities Fortnightly team at NARUC’s Annual Meeting, you’ll long remember the compelling verses of my Affordability Rap.

Data Center Demand: Six-Minute Overview

There's clearly a steep demand surge driven by data center growth, and from other new manufacturing. But it's not clear at all how utilities and utility regulation will respond.

In six minutes. That's the time it takes to watch this engaging video of Steve Waller's overview of the challenge and paths forward.

There're two Steves actually in the video. Public Utilities Fortnightly's Steve Mitnick asks his typically lively questions and Guidehouse's Steve Waller walks us through this critical topic. Who knew data center demand could be as interesting as it is important?

Champions for Change

One Hundred Forty Years and Counting

“This year’s annual meeting was not only a unique forum for robust exchange of ideas and insights with one another, it was also a celebration of the exceptional level of commitment and the high quality of collective effort of our members and industry partners.”