RES Americas to Develop and Construct 200-MW Wind Project for Xcel Energy

RES America Developments, a subsidiary of Renewable Energy Systems Americas (RES Americas), is working with Xcel Energy to construct the 200-MW Pleasant Valley Wind Farm. The project is near Austin, Minnesota, adjacent to the Grand Meadow wind project owned by Xcel Energy. Once the project is complete, RES Americas will transfer ownership of Pleasant Valley to Xcel Energy, who will own and operate the project.

Big Data, Big Change

Analytics chart a path for industry transformation.

“Without integrating operational data with traditional IT data, I don’t think the industry would be any further along than it was five or 10 years ago.” ~Steve Ehrlich, Space Time Insight

Bargain or Bonanza

Is discounted cash flow (DCF) still a reliable tool for determining equity cost?

The time-honored discounted cash flow method for determining appropriate utility returns falls short when interest rates are low. Inadequate ROEs ultimately increase cost of capital and wipe away any temporary savings.

Toward a Self-healing Smart Grid

Advanced distribution management technology promises to revolutionize operations.

Building blocks of the self-healing grid are taking shape. End-to-end integration will enable the grid to achieve 21st-century resilience.

AMI Logjam

Market forces and fickle policies have delayed the smart meter revolution.

Low energy prices have weakened the business case for advanced metering. Regaining momentum might depend on innovation to strengthen the benefits.

Smart Grid Dilemma

Concerned stakeholders seek an equitable cost-benefit ratio for all ratepayers.

Fairness in paying for grid modernization is an essential element for successful smart grid projects.

Accentuate the Positive

A practical guide to explaining the value of the smart grid.

Despite challenges, grid modernization is paying off for customers. Smart grid progress depends on clarifying the vision and communicating value.

FERC vs. Idaho

PURPA and the future of avoided cost rates.

A tussle between Idaho and the feds exemplifies the flood of petitions that QFs have filed during the past several years, asking FERC to enforce or confirm their PURPA-guaranteed rights.

Energy Disconnect

Misguided policies threaten resource adequacy.

Resource planning is grinding to a halt. From EPA regulations to irrational markets, today’s policy missteps threaten tomorrow’s reliability.

Pricing Social Benefits

Calculating and allocating costs for non-traditional utility services.

Alternative ways to calculate utilities’ costs of service allow policy makers to achieve social goals in a way that’s fair and economically efficient.