127-MG Utility-Scale Solar Installation Opens in Arizona

LS Power to officially open the Arlington Valley (AV) Solar II utility-scale installation in southwest Arizona. Kyocera Solar provided 25 MW of solar modules for the 127-MW PV installation. Block 1 of the five-section installation is now live, with the remaining sections expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2013. Once complete, the project’s 127-MW-generating capacity will place it among the largest solar PV installations in North America. 

Dominion Breaks Ground at Largest Fuel Cell Power Project in North America

Dominion and FuelCell Energy broke ground on the largest fuel cell power project in North America. Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell will produce 14.9 MW of clean energy using an electro-chemical process that converts natural gas into electricity. Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell is part of Project 150, a program sponsored by the state and supported by the Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA) to increase renewable and clean energy projects in Connecticut by 150 MW.

S&C Awarded $2.6MM Contract to Upgrade Wind Farm in Texas

Sweetwater Wind awarded a $2.6-million contract to S&C Electric, to upgrade a portion of its 585-MW wind farm in Sweetwater, Texas. This upgrade will enable Sweetwater Wind to meet new renewable energy generation interconnection standards that have been enacted in Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). The new standards require Sweetwater Wind to provide a lagging power factor capability of 0.95 or less, and a leading power factor capability of 0.95 or less at the point of interconnection (POI).

Value Co-Creation

Utilities are no longer a one-way business. The industry’s future growth will be found in value co-creation with customers.
Utilities are no longer a one-way business. The industry’s future growth will be found in value co-creation with customers.

PPAs for DG

What every real property owner should know.

Financing has been scarce for distributed generation. But as opportunities expand, commercial frameworks are solidifying. Power purchase agreements are paving the way to a bright future for DG.

Unleash the Genie

Former FERC Commissioner Bill Massey says we shouldn't bottle the genie of competition as Fortnightly author Doug Jones advocated in May 2013. Instead, he says, the genie's shackles should be removed so market forces can produce maximum efficiency and value for customers.

In the Situation Room

Presidential attention raises the priority level for cybersecurity.

Have industry leaders and regulators turned a corner on efforts to make the grid more secure?