Fueling an Economic Comeback
The shale gas boom is creating jobs and saving money for U.S. manufacturers.
The shale gas boom is creating jobs and saving money for U.S. manufacturers.
The U.S. steel and chemical industries are among those benefiting from natural gas production.
The surprising reason why American manufacturing is getting greener.
A consumer model that compounds public benefits.
A look back from year 2050 – on what we thought we once knew.
New York aims to Reform its Energy Vision. For technology companies, it’s a dream come true.
Can EPA’s Clean Power Plan Pass Muster?
On April 8th, 2015, the Wall Street Journal headline read "Bloomberg Criticizes New York Fracking Ban." During his interview, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that he was donating an additional $30 million to the Sierra's "anti-coal" campaign, but that he also made special provision that none of his donated money would go to the Sierra Club's parallel anti-natural gas campaign. It seems that New York State has become a battleground for fossil fuels.
Why some proceedings blow up, while others reach consensus.