Water, Water Everywhere Except for Energy Production

Water scarcity may inspire more disruptive technologies and onsite generation.

The global energy world is swirling in predictions, with most climate scientists saying that climate change is a manmade phenomenon that requires new technologies and cleaner fuels. Irrespective of one’s opinion on the matter is the notion of water and how much of it is required to produce energy.

Energy Storage North America

Energy Storage North America is the world’s largest energy storage conference and exhibition – focusing on projects, customers, and deal-making. ESNA connects utilities, developers, policymakers and energy users to craft strategies, gain deeper insight, and ultimately shape the fast-growing market for energy storage. 

More than 150 expert speakers from around the world will provide industry insight and perspective in 40-plus keynote and panel sessions across six storage-focused conference tracks: Distributed Storage, Hot Markets, Utility, Finance, Grid Services and Technology.

Utility Market Transformation

Ruthless markets are disrupting utility markets but they are also creating new opportunities. What's next for utilities?

Free markets are ruthless, creating both wealth and disruption. Just ask the multitudes who have toiled in telecommunications, railroads, and journalism. Now, it’s time for the utility industry to evolve and to maintain its relevance.

That’s the topic of discussion to be held at the Public Utilities Fortnightly’s conference on November 17-18 in Scottsdale, Arizona, where a plethora of industry experts will gather to discuss and to debate exactly what role utilities will play in a redefined energy market place.

Utilities and Innovation: Are We There Yet?

Utilities need viable business models in these brave new, innovative days.

Everywhere in utility circles, from the Edison Foundation to the New York State plan "Reforming the Energy Vision" (REV), innovation is the byword.

Learning from Sandy

Improving storm damage assessments at electric utilities.

Utilizing new technologies, utilities can realize dramatic improvements to damage assessment and storm restoration processes.