FERC's New Move: A Single Tariff

Finding that "market design flaws are visible in every regional electric market today," FERC released its working paper on standardized transmission service and wholesale electric design on March 15. The work in progress outlines key principles and policy decisions on standard market design (SMD) to guide FERC in developing a revised open access transmission tariff (OATT).

Locational Marginal Pricing

How PJM turns redispatch into market signals.

Figures 1 and 2 show an example of locational marginal pricing (LMP) presented by PJM at a FERC meeting held Jan. 22.

Bid-Offer Spreads: A Hedging Device

How exactly does a retail energy marketer use the spread as a hedging device?

Bid-Offer spread represents the profit a market-maker or intermediary demands for creating liquidity. This spread is composed of the intermediary’s variable cost per deal plus any liquidity risk they may bear.

Breakdown of Tariff Risk

Explaining timing risks and magnitude risks.

Tariff risk is that risk which the marketer incurs downstream of the uplift. This risk can be broken into Timing Risk (I - III) and Magnitude Risk (IV-VI) as illustrated below.

The Gas-Power Vision: Five Obstacles

Regulatory and rate proceedings at FERC can be time consuming and expensive, but this hurdle can be overcome.

For the natural gas infrastructure and the available pipeline system capacity to be utilized as a foundation for the reduction in power transmission congestion, there are certain issues that need to be addressed.

Hydrogen Power

A New Initiative, a New Fuel Cell Car

General Motors unveiled its Autonomy fuel cell car, which it says is the first vehicle designed exclusively for the fuel cell.

Conoco Rising: A Gas Trader's Vision

Take a look at a list of the top gas marketers in North America and you won't find many names associated with the upstream end of the business. Most of the high-volume trading companies are the market-maker types who don't have production assets to back up their futures and swap contracts.