New Jersey Eyes Microgrids to Augment Reliability

Excerpt from the December 9, 2016 issue of PUR's Utility Regulatory News

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities determined that microgrids, whether based on CHP, fuel cell, solar, or some other technology, offer the promise of increased system resiliency. Especially with CHP-based microgrids, energy efficiency is advanced as well.

The IoT and EE

What Does It Spell?

As the Internet of Things enters our homes, utilities have an opportunity to aggregate the devices into a system that consumers can easily manage. Consumers will find they are becoming more energy efficient, even if that was not the initial motivation.

Imagine Better Things

Leveraging Technology to Create Value

Technology enables. Examples from others abound. The real drivers of transformational change are these entrepreneurial thinkers and doers who strike a chord with consumers. It's up to you to imagine better things.

Seven Conditions Justify Smart Grid Investments

Utilities and Partners Can Benefit

Seven essential conditions justify smart grid investment: If customers engage, if DER defers capital assets, if DER is grid integrated, if DER lowers overall costs, if desired reliability is assured, if greater innovation results, and if greater utility profits result.

The Sun Shines for All

Solar Options Abound

As utilities get better at distribution planning, it is likely they will incentivize putting solar in older neighborhoods where the grid needs to be strengthened. A portfolio of rooftop solar, community solar and utility-scale solar is the only way to make solar accessible to all.

Energy Highways

Politics and Infrastructure Development

Technology adoption is an incomplete strategy. What is needed is a more comprehensive and long-term approach to infrastructure development.

The New Energy Math

NY Operations Center Saves Millions

New York’s Energy Manager Network Operations Center is an example of how the development and robust use of smart electric technology is moving the industry in a new, unprecedented and necessary direction.

Fighting the Cyber Threat

How To Prepare

Growing up as an Air Force brat, I had certain values drilled into me: Be aware, take responsibility, work as a team, and be prepared. These same values can help combat security threats facing our industry.