Exelon's Chris Gould

Passion and energy of an evolving utility workforce

Gould is Senior VP, Corporate Strategy, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer.

Exelon Innovation Expo

We took a ton of pics too; more like two tons

We talked with some of the young and diverse engineers that are leading the way for our industry.

Coffee Break: Exelon's CEO Chris Crane

‘You must dedicate your own time to supporting innovation. You also need to say when to shut a project down.’

Crane describes how Exelon approaches innovation both from a broad perspective, and in more narrow terms.

Coffee Break: Ameren's CEO Warner Baxter

‘We converted an old garage and turned it into an innovation workspace, the Hub.’

Baxter describes how Ameren established a strong foundation for innovation without making radical changes to incentives, and how companies become more self-sufficient in their innovation.

Coffee Break: AEP's CEO Nick Akins

‘AEP can bring technological solutions for smart cities to other areas of the country.’

Akins describes why more focus was placed on innovation, how to invent a culture of innovation for the long term, and how to get incentives properly lined up.