Building Transmission for California's Central Valley

DATC/Western Area Power Administration Project

California’s Central Valley is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, producing more than half of the fruits, vegetables and nuts grown in the United States. The farmers there need large quantities of water, and to get that water to their fields they need electricity. The Western Area Power Administration, in partnership with the Duke-American Transmission Company, is developing a new high-voltage transmission line to connect a local pumping and generating plant to the end users – farmers and Central Valley water agencies.

Oklahoma Recognizes Post-Test-Year Payments to SPP

Although largely agreeing with an administrative law judge’s (ALJ’s) recommendations with respect to an electric utility’s request for $156 million in rate relief, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission has departed from some of the ALJ’s conclusions, thus adding somewhat to the $81.2 million in additional revenues proposed by the ALJ for the utility, Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO).

Minnesota Agrees to Cancellation of Biomass PPA

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has approved an electric utility’s proposal to terminate a power purchase agreement (PPA) that had been executed pursuant to a state law requiring the utility, Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy, to construct and operate, or contract to construct, installed capacity generated by farm-grown closedloop biomass. The original PPA plan called for the purchase of a 55- megawatt biomass facility from its current owner, which had earlier announced its intention to offer the plant for sale and then close the facility.