Customer Centricity

Lynchpin of Utility Strategy

Every CEO is seeking to create the utility of the future, but the strategy has been focused on cost cutting and changing the mix of generating plants. But the disruption is originating with the customer, and the strategy has to be customer centric.

Former NV Energy Exec Looks Back

Conversation with Michael Yackira

Yackira was at the center of – and a driver of – some of the industry’s biggest developments of the last quarter century. He remains active on boards and in charitable activities but seems keen to contribute more.

Michigan's Clean Energy Plan

Launching ‘MI Power Grid’

The energy industry is changing rapidly amid the transition to clean, decentralized sources of power. It's a lot to keep up with, so in October, the Michigan Public Service Commission and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer launched an initiative to help residents and businesses adapt to the changes. Called MI Power Grid, the project will serve as a centralized source of credible information and outreach.

Cyber-Securing the Supply Chain

Fortress founders look back and forward

Conversations with Fortress Information Security founders Peter Kassabov and Alex Santos, and with team members.